Monday, December 1, 2008

One Clinton Replacing Another in the Senate?

Well, I learned something new today.  I was reading an article on CNN and saw a caption on the sidebar that Bill Clinton was mentioned as a possible candidate to replace his wife in the Senate. Very interesting and learned something new to boot.

If Bill is selected to take his wife's seat in congress he would be the third president in the history of our country to do so.   John Quincy Adams was the first ex-president to serve in the House of Representives.  Andrew Johnson was elected to the Senate 7 years after being acquitted of all impeachment charges.  

I don't remember this ever being mentioned in school when I took american history - does anyone else remember this?


Jon said...

I knew about Adams. Johnson was new to me.

I wonder how Secret Service would interact with Senate activities? Most sessions and committees are open to the public.

Mr. B said...

I don't know how the Secret Service would manage the situation except maybe to increase the already tight security screening to get into the congressional buildings.

Doc said...


Then they can make him President Pro Tempore of the Senate, which will put him behind Biden and Pelosi for President.

Coincidentally, it'd put him one step in front of his "wife" for Bobby Obama's job. He's always screwing Hillary over without necessarily "screwing" her over.


/no more cigars in the oval office!

Mrs. B said...

I don't remember any of this.

BTW, you guys and your comments are funny!

You should be smoking cigars and drinking scotch, though!

Mr. B said...

I'll second that. A lot better than working right now.