Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Coach for the Canes!

Well, this comes as no surprise, the Canes have fired their coach as a result of their dismal play of late. The only surprise for me is that they waited this long to get rid of him. And look who they are bringing back, Paul Maurice, the person who was the coach when the Canes went to the Stanley Cup final in 2002!

Now that is a shock. I was half expecting Ron Francis to be named as an interim coach since he was already on the management team. Maybe they are going to use Maurice to provide a mentor to Ron for the remainder of this year and make him the coach at the start of next year.

Can't figure out any other reason why they are bringing Maurice back, can you?


Mrs. B said...

Why did they get rid of the other guy in the first place?

Mrs. B said...

BTW, I disagree with this quote that is on your top page today:
Quote of the Day

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
B. F. Skinner

I think it's the other way around. You never forget what you've LEARNED in life (through the school of hard knocks, experience, pain, joy, etc.) BUT, hell, there are many things I obtain through "education" that are gone gone gone.

Like algebra, hell, sometimes even the multiplication tables :-)


Doc said...

"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten." - B. F. Skinner

To me, the quote is more of a lesson in semantics. For one cannot be educated in fields one already knows.

Educating is not the same as learning. Educating is the act of teaching or informing, where learning is the assimilation of the information taught.

/who's on first?