Wednesday, November 26, 2008


That's how it came on yesterday morning. I was standing in Ronnie's (the partner I work for ) office and just barely started to turn my upper torso and BAM!

I felt a spasm in the left side of my back that made me gasp. Ronnie looked at me like I was crazy and I just stood there for a couple of minutes until I could talk. The initial pain subsided, but all day long I kept feeling tremors and more tightening of my muscles.

Mrs. B was very compassionate and helpful when I got home last night with help getting a heating pad on the right spot. Although I probably should be using ice instead since I think this is caused by inflammation of the nerves and surrounding muscle tissue. I'll have to look that up later.

Well, anyhow, the alarm goes off this morning and I can barely move so it is off to the doctor's office to see what can be done.

Strange isn't how you can feel absolutely fine one moment and the next you are left gasping for breath because of the pain. And the really strange part of all of this is that I was just doing normal honey do stuff around the house this weekend, playing with the kittens, walking the dog, etc. Nothing strenuous. I guess you just never know when something like this is going to happen.

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

It's probably all my fault for making you "Honey Do" all weekend!
I still think you should pop one of those pain killers. Did wonders for me when I had my "eye attack" two weeks ago.