I can see how this will be a tremendous problem and no one side is really to blame in all of this. Yes, the banks and other companies should not be sending out credit card applications left and right, but if they didn't then I would have much leftover to open after Mrs. B sorts the mail. Seriously, the people receiving all of the offers for credit cards don't have to get the cards.
Consumers using credit cards need to use credit wisely. Don't run up large balances that can't be paid off by the next payment due date. Or have a plan in place on how long it will take to repay the balance off if it is absolutely necessary to buy whatever it is that is needed.
In the comments posted at the end of the article was one that I thought was pretty good:
"Just because someone gives you a gun, doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible when you shoot somebody–even if that someone is yourself." K.
Just because we receive these offers in the mail, it doesn't mean that we have to accept the cards or use them. We can't put all of the blame on the banks and other companies encouraging us to use these cards, we have to take some responsibility as well. After all, we only have ourselves to blame if we don't use credit wisely.
Let's hope that this iceberg doesn't come to pass this next spring as this banking executive is predicting. I for one, have seen our investments decline in value way too much already.
If the president elect does get an economic stimulus package that will include checks to all taxpayers, let's hope that they include a requirement that all credit card debt has to be paid off before the money can be used for anything else. Not sure how they would accomplish this, but in my opinion, it would certainly go along way toward getting us out of this crisis better than anything else that's been suggested so far.