Sunday, February 24, 2008

Messing around

I woke up this morning around 6:30 and laid in bed for about 10 minutes, trying to go back to sleep, before I decided it was just ridiculous lying there and just got up. Gave Clyde some treats, made the coffee and brought the paper in. By 7:30 I was done with the paper - not much news worth reading in the paper this morning. More of the same old stuff - Hillary complaining about Barack, McCain in trouble because of ethics, drought, etc. Enough of this.

Fire up the computer, read through email, not much there either, not even much spam last night. Start reading articles from the NY Times, sports sites and others. Hmm, maybe I should peruse the blogs of my family and friends. Not much going on there either.

So maybe it's time to blog about public campaign financing now, but nah, not right now. But, oh, here's something interesting, on the Blogger dashboard I read about GrandCentral and since I like to investigate new things I decided to see what it was all about and then signed up.

The concept is pretty neat - you put a call me button on your blog that looks like this:

and someone, anyone, can click it and call you without ever giving out your cell, home or business phone number. Your calls go to any number you want. You can screen the calls if you want by having them go directly to voicemail. All of your calls can be accessed online through your GrandCentral web account. You can even post the conversations on your blog if want to.

Courtesy of Google

Well, I guess this is what happens when your wife goes out of town, you're home alone with the cat and left to your own designs! Thanks, Google, this at least kept me entertained for awhile. I'll have to wait and see what happens with this. I guess it's time to go do some taxes now - I've put work off long enough.


Mrs. B said...

I will have to add this too. And, I'd call you right now (or try to) except I'm sitting here with Father and he's watching a race so, well, you know!

But, I'll try it.

TG I'm finally back up on line!

Anyway, I wish that you were (both) here with us; I wonder if Lucy has figured out that you and Clyde are not around? It's so hard to tell with dogs!


Mrs. B said...

I suppose it could be bad if someone that doesn't like your political views or whatever keeps trying to call and heckle you and/or be nasty.

Margot said...

Oh, good grief! I dismantled instant messaging years ago. 2 many people wanting to chitty about nothing. 2 many people telling me that My last name is Porter/Gaskill/Bundy. Your profile sez you're researching these names. Are you related to me? Goodby profile, too!

Mr. B said...

Well, you can set the calls up to go directly to voicemail and there is call blocking capability. So there is some protection. That's part of the reason that I went ahead and signed up for the service.

Nice to hear from you - glad to see that you are back on line.

I do think that Clyde realizes that Lucy isn't here. But, he hasn't come downstairs on his own yet.

Mrs. B said...

Well, I just tried this. I clicked on it and it brought up a box for me to put in my name but also I had to put in a number to call.

So, I'm not sure if I did something wrong or not?

It certainly didn't call YOU!


Mrs. B said...

Mr. B! You need to blog again! It has been two months now!