Sunday, May 11, 2008

Writer's Blog

Well, actually writer's block, although I don't really consider myself a true writer. And as Mrs. B has pointed out to me it has been almost 2 months since I last blogged.

A lot of that time was my busy season and I really didn't think too much about anything, but trying to get to April 15th and Mrs. B. Now that I got to that milestone, and I am finally rested up, I can't seem to think of anything that I really want to blog about.

Not that there isn't plenty going on in NC and the world, there is. I just haven't found anything that I have something to say about that isn't already being said.

Maybe just posting this will get the creative juices flowing again. Hope so.

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

Well, at least you finally wrote something!

I have a list of topics...wanna borrow some of mine?